• Dental Research Menagement Unit (DRMU)
  • rmc_dental@um.edu.my
  • 03-73676454

Research Group Leader 

AP Dr. Noor Azlin Yahya

Area of Interest

The interest of the Biomaterials Technology Research Groups, BTRG, includes numerous areas relating to dental materials used in the clinical field such as operative dentistry, endodontics, fixed and removable prosthodontics, maxillofacial prosthodontics, orthodontics, oral & maxillofacial surgery and oral implantology.

Our research scope encompasses the development and investigation of various mechanical & physical properties of biomaterials in relation to dentistry. Additionally, we extend the reach of our research to cover the effects of different conditions, such as pH, environment and substance, on these biomaterials. The research scope also includes biomaterials testing within the laboratory with simulated clinical settings.

Examples of our past work include the functionally graded hydroxyapatite-titanium dental posts, to be used in endodontically treated teeth and the anisotropic hydrogel tissue expander, for usage in treatment of cleft patients. Our work and effort have always been for the sake of creating and unearthing knowledge to better the tools of treatment for our patients. We hope our innovations and ideas can aid to that mission

For further information, please contact us:
Biomaterials Technology Research Group (BTRG)
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
Fax: +603-79676456
Email: btrg_dental@um.edu.my/nazlin@um.edu.my

Last Update: 19/12/2023